Magazines and Books

Results 121 - 180 of 1484

Magazines and Books

Marlborough: War of the Spanish Succession

Marlborough: War of the Spanish Succession ("Marby," for ...

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Sales price: £42.95

Group of Soviet Forces Germany (G-SOF-G)

A two-player alternative history game intended to examine ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £42.95

Sedan: The Decisive Battle for France, May 1940 - Issue #24

In the spring of 1940 the German Army achieved one of the ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £42.95

The South Seas Campaign, 1942-43 - Issue #18

A two player, strategic-level wargame of intermediate ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £42.95

Julian :Triumph Before the Storm - Roman Empire in the 4th century AD.

Julian, designed by Joseph Miranda, is a wargame of ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £42.95

Fail Safe: Strategic Nuclear Warfare in the Cold War

Fail Safe is a wargame of a hypothetical strategic nuclear ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £42.95

The Battle of Lepanto

Lepanto is a two-player or multi-player (Ottoman versus ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £42.95

Paper Wars #103 - Second Fallujah: Iraq Nov-Dec 2004

This two-player (solitaire adaptable) grand-tactical design ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £41.95

Strategy & Tactics Issue #337 Caporetto: The Italian Front 1917–1918

A two-player wargame of the last year of the Italian Front, ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £41.95

Budapest Campaign: October 1944 to February 1945 - Issue #85

Budapest Campaign: October 1944 to February 1945 is a ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £41.95

Lock 'n Load Tactical: Core Rules v5.1

LnLT version 5.1 (v5.1) rules manual contains the latest ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £41.95

Suez Solo: Rommel Drives Deep - Issue #78

A solitaire game where the player takes command of the ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £41.95

Munich War: World War II in Europe 1938 - Issue #74

An operational level simulation of a hypothetical World War ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £41.95

Block By Block: Hue - Issue #48

A two-player conflict simulation of the 1968 Battle of Huế.

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Sales price: £41.95

Spring Awakening: The Third Reich's Last Offensive - Issue #73

A two player wargame of Operation Fruhlingserwachen, the ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £41.95

Forgotten Pacific Battles - Issue #71

A solitaire game using the standard Fire & Movement (F&M) ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £41.95

Moscow (Army Group Center, Autumn 1941)

A two-player game covering the advance of Army Group ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £41.95

The Luzon Campaign, 1945 - Issue #59

A wargame, purpose-designed for solitaire play, which ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £41.95

Escape Hell's Gate: Korsun Pocket 1944 - Issue #57

Covers the final attempt of the German 3rd Panzer Corps ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £41.95

Red Dragon Rising: The Coming War With China (No Magazine)

Game Only

Red Dragon Rising: The Coming War ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £41.95

The Lash of the Turk

The game covers the tenuous period in history when all of ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £41.95

Panzer Armee Afrika : Issue #40

Panzer Armee Afrika and the War in the Desert,June 1940 - ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £41.95

Right Fierce & Terrible: The Battle of Sluys 1340 plus bonus game

Place yourself in the decisions faced by Edward III or the ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £41.95

Strategy & Tactics Issue #347 Operation Holland

A two-player alternative history wargame intended to ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £40.95

Strategy & Tactics Issue #346 Andrew Jackson’s Battles

A two-player tactical simulation of battles on the American ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £40.95

Against the Odds Annual 2021: Operation Roundup - The Allies Invade France in 1943

Operation Roundup was the code name for a plan prepared by ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £40.95

The Great European War - Issue #90

A two-player game of an alternative World War II in Europe, ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £40.95

Manstein's War: Decision in the West 1940 - Issue #84

A two-player wargame of the German offensive in Western ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £40.95
Base price with tax:
Sales price: £40.95

Dragon and The Hermit Kingdom - Issue #45

A two player game that covers the hypothetical simulation ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £40.95

Spanish Civil War Battles (Belchite & Teruel) - Issue #62

Two-player, operational-level wargame of the Belchite ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £40.95

Paper Wars - Finnish Civil War

A simulation game of the civil conflict in Finland in the ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £40.95

War of the Worlds

Rare Excellent unpunched copy, content is in great ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £39.95

Blind Faith: The Hussite Wars 1419-1434

Blind Faith depicts a classic example of asymmetric ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £39.95

Clash of Carriers: The Battle of the Philippine Sea

Clash of Carriers, by designer Mark Stille, portrays this ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £39.95

Panzer Grenadier: River Battleships

Soviet, Romanian, Polish and other river monitors battle in ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £39.95

Paper Wars #98 - First Blood in the Crimea, Alma

The Battle of the Alma, 20 September 1854 by Ty Bomba

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Sales price: £39.95

Paper Wars - Rally Round The Flag

A brigade grand tactical system that combines old school ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £39.95

2017 ATO Annual - Six Days of War

Over 50 years ago, Israel made pre-emptive attacks against ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £39.95

Cold War Battles : Budapest 1956 & Blitzkrieg Angola

The Cold War Battles game system is a grand tactical ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £39.95

Paper Wars - JIHAD! (First century of the Islamic expansion)

Simulation of the first century of the Islamic expansion ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £39.95

Paper Wars - MacArthur: The Road to Bataan (Luzon Island)

Covers the battle of Luzon Island during the winter of ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £39.95

2016 ATO Annual - Confederate Rails

Players operate the historical railways of the Confederate ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £39.95

2015 ATO Annual - Four Roads to Paris, The Fall of France 1940

"Four Roads to Paris" offers four complete simulations that ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £39.95

Paper Wars - Rising Sun over China

The Japanese invasion of China prior to World War II.

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £39.95

Paper Wars - I Will Fight No More, Forever

I Will Fight No More, Forever is a game of the retreat of ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £39.95

Risorgimento: Italy's Wars of Liberation 1848-1866

Excellent Condition Unpunched Copy Operational recreation ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £39.95

1863: Turning Point in the Civil War

1863 is a two player wargame of a pivotal year in the ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £39.95

Paper Wars - Position Magnifique: Mars Le Tour 1870

Specifically designed to provide an exciting and ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £39.95

Paper Wars #80 - Setting Sun, Rising Sun

Straightforward war game centered on the naval aspects of ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £39.95

Guards Armoured Division: Special Edition - Issue #34

The Famous Divisions series continue with British Guards ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £39.95


Tobruk uses the same system as Sedan: The Decisive Battle ...

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Sales price: £39.95

Ticonderoga: French and Indian War (1755-58).

Ticonderoga simulates six engagements in the region between ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £39.95


Excellent condition unpunched copy Breitenfeld is one of ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £39.95

2006 ATO Annual - Toppling the Reich: The Battles for the Westwall

An operational level simulation of the fighting for the ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £39.95

Germania: Rome v Germany in the Teutoburger Wald- expand or bloody an Empire

Wargame covering Roman campaigns in Germania. Excellent ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £39.95

1066: End of the Dark Ages #240

1066: End of the Dark Ages is a wargame of intermediate ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £39.95

Tac 3 (Panzerblitz)

Good Condition with "punched" paper counters, map & rules ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £39.95

Khan: The Rise of the Mongol Empire A.D. 1206 – 1295

A wargame simulating the rise of the Mongols from their ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £39.95

War of 1812

The game covers the war between the United States of ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £39.95