Risorgimento: Italy's Wars of Liberation 1848-1866

Excellent Condition Unpunched Copy
Operational recreation of the three Italian wars of independence in the mid nineteenth century.
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Excellent Condition Unpunched Copy


Released with Strategy & Tactics magazine #187. Part of the "Wars of the Imperial Age". Others in the series were Austro-Prussian War (S&T #167); Franco-Prussian War (S&T #149) and Russo-Turkish War (S&T #154).

Operational recreation of the three Italian wars of independence in the mid nineteenth century.

Simple rules with random political events. Important errata are in S&T #188.


"Mad" Anthony Wayne & the U.S. Army John Burtt

Command & Control

in the Schlieffen Era Jim Bloom

Cowpens: Genius or at Least Progress C. Conrad Claus


Simulation: Risorgimento Mike Bennighof

Radetzky's March-War In Italy, 1848 Mike Bennighof

The Commune of 1871, Paris Brian Train

Issue Number
Magazine issue number.