Magazines and Books

Results 121 - 180 of 1484

Magazines and Books


Tobruk uses the same system as Sedan: The Decisive Battle ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £34.95

Duel on the Steppe: The Winter Campaign in the Ukraine 1943

Very good punched copy, counters are bagged/sorted. Duel ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £19.95

Second Kharkov: Strike & Counterstrike, May 1942

Second Kharkov: Strike & Counterstrike, May 1942 (2K for ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £25.95

Hazardous Movement Scenario Pack 3: City of Steel (Stalingrad Mini-Campaign)

Hazmo's third scenario pack, set in and around the ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £36.95

Blind Faith: The Hussite Wars 1419-1434

Blind Faith depicts a classic example of asymmetric ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £39.95

Clash of Carriers: The Battle of the Philippine Sea

Clash of Carriers, by designer Mark Stille, portrays this ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £39.95

A Crowning Glory: Austerlitz 1815

This two-player grand-tactical simulation by Ty Bomba ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £32.95

From the Cellar ASL Scenario Pack #12

FTC 12 : "Attacking in ASL, A Mid-Level Player’s ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £32.95

C3I Magazine #35: Burma: The Forgotten War, 1943-1944

C3i Nr 35 features Mark Herman's "Burma: The Forgotten War, ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £42.95


In 120 full color pages illustrated with 100 period ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £23.95

ASL Pocket Chapter H (please see description)

New from MMP is the Pocket Chapter H that for the first ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £36.95

Lock 'N Load Tactical Battle Generator V2.1

LnLT Battle Generator v2.1 system is the upgraded version ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £30.95
Base price with tax:
Sales price: £17.95
Base price with tax:
Sales price: £17.95

Operation Albion: Germany versus Russia in the Baltic, 1917-1918

A two-player operational wargame of the campaign in the ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £42.95

Carolingian Twilight: Decline of an Empire AD814

A two to six-player game covering the decline of the ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £42.95

Return to Europe: Sicily & Italy July–Nov 1943

A two-player sequel to Desert Fox Deluxe covering the ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £42.95

French and Indian War Battles

Two player grand tactical system for simulating battles in ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £42.95

Saddam Moves South

An operational level two player wargame covering a ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £42.95

Russian Boots South: Conquest of Central Asia

A two-player wargame simulating the Russian conquest of ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £42.95

Strategy & Tactics Issue #337 Caporetto: The Italian Front 1917–1918

A two-player wargame of the last year of the Italian Front, ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £41.95

First Punic War 264 to 241 BC

A two-player wargame of the first great military clash ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £42.95

Lanzerath Ridge: Battle of the Bulge Companion Book

The Lanzerath Ridge Companion Book is a primer on the ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £16.95

Rally Point: ASL Scenario Pack - Starter Kit Special Study III

Starter Kit Compatible scenario pack that requires Starter ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £28.95

Paper Wars #101 - Case Geld

Case Geld: The Axis Invasion of North America, 1945-46 by ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £38.95

ASL: March Madness 2022 The Grumble Jones Pack

K. “Kermit” Scott Mullins graces us with this pack; a ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £12.95

Winter Offensive Bonus Pack #13 (2022)

ASL Winter Offensive Bonus Pack #13 (2022) features four ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £30.95

ASL Pocket Rulebook v2

By taking advantage of Print On Demand technology, MMP has ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £49.95

ASL Pocket Charts

New from MMP is the Pocket Charts booklet that collects all ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £23.95

Decade in the Trenches (Une décennie dans les tranchées: Guerre Iran-Irak 1980-1988)

VaeVictis 159 special game issue. A Decade in the Trenches ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £14.95

Panzer Grenadier Parachutes Over Crete: Heraklion A Campaign Study

A short book adding nine scenarios based on these battles ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £12.95

From the Cellar ASL Scenario Pack #11

Our latest issue of "From the Cellar", this time containing ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £32.95

2011 ATO Annual - Beyond Waterloo - (BASE Reprint 2021)

Two-player strategic level simulation of the Napoleonic ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £42.95

Hazardous Movement Scenario Pack 2: The Un-Civil Wars, 1936-1949

The second scenario pack from Chuck Hammond and Chas ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £33.95

Not One Step Back (Peter Struijf & Chris Mazzei collab.)

Not One Step Back is the sequel to Death To Fascism (DTF). ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £18.95

Quick 6 IV Scenario Pack

Designed for the participants of the 2021 West Coast ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £12.95

Corbach 1760

Corbach 1760 use the same system than Hastenbeck 1757 ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £12.95

Heroes Against the Red Star: Red Gauntlet Expansion

An expansion for Heroes Against the Red Star from the Lock ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £29.95

Strategy & Tactics Quarterly: Aircraft Carriers

Aircraft Carriers: Every age of naval warfare is dominated ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £17.95

Netherlands East Indies: 1941 to 1942 - Issue #87

An operational wargame of the campaign in 1941-42 in which ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £42.95

The Chaco War, 1932-1935 - Issue #86

The Chaco War was fought out by two landlocked countries, ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £42.95

Budapest Campaign: October 1944 to February 1945 - Issue #85

Budapest Campaign: October 1944 to February 1945 is a ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £41.95

Manstein's War: Decision in the West 1940 - Issue #84

A two-player wargame of the German offensive in Western ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £40.95
Base price with tax:
Sales price: £36.95

Watch on the Oder: January 1945 - Issue #82

A hypothetical two-player game allowing the players to ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £37.95
Base price with tax:
Sales price: £40.95

Bloody Keren: Ethiopia 1941

Excellent unpuched copy, no magazine. Bloody Keren is an ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £9.95

Paper Wars #99 - Assault on Tobruk

Assault on Tobruk depicts this startlingly short battle.

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £33.95

Horse & Musket Annual #2 (REDUX)

Twenty scenarios for the Horse & Musket series taken from ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £21.95

Horse & Musket Annual #1 (REDUX)

Twenty scenarios for the Horse & Musket series taken from ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £21.95

Talvisota, the Winter War 1939-1940

VaeVictis 158 special game issue

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £14.95

Horse & Musket Annual #3

This third "fan annual" features twenty new scenarios from ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £21.95

Nachod and Skalitz 1866

VaeVictis 157 special game issue

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £14.95

Warburg 1760

VaeVictis 156 special game issue

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £14.95

Angola 1987-1988

VaeVictis 154 Special Game Issue

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £14.95

Typhoon Over the Pacific

Simulates the entire conflict between the Japanese Empire ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £25.95

Infantry Attacks: Franz Josef’s Armies

An expansion book for Infantry Attacks: Fall of Empires ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £36.95

Infantry Attacks: Edelweiss Division

An expansion for Fall of Empires featuring the ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £34.95

Second World War at Sea Midway: Rising Sun 1940 A Campaign Study

A Campaign Study in the same format as Coral Sea: Defending ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £10.95

Second Great War at Sea: Sword of the Sea

Brings the naval action to the Red Sea, Gulf and Aden and ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £31.95