Magazines and Books

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Results 1441 - 1484 of 1484

Magazines and Books

Bombs Away (Card Game)

This is card game published in GameFix magazine.

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £8.95

Crisis 2000

Crisis: 2000 is Joe Miranda's vision of a potential ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £8.95

Thapsos & Alexandria

Two complete games using the system from Bill Banks classic ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £8.95
Base price with tax:
Sales price: £28.95

Lee Invades the North

The 1862 and 1863 Confederate drives into Maryland and ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £16.95

Drive on Frankfurt

Operational level Modern combat in Europe fighting for the ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £14.95

Conflict (Rifle-Musket)

Conflict Magazine #7, June 20, 1974.

A ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £19.95

Command Magazine (Warmaster Chess 2000)

Waterloo - Retreat to Victory, Lion of the North, Siege of ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £7.95
Base price with tax:
Sales price: £32.95

Command Magazine (Second Front Now/Dark Victory: The Alamo)

The Games

"'Second Front Now' is a wargame ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £25.95

Command Magazine (Chattanooga: Death Knell of the Confederacy)

The first Philippine Campaign 1941-42; Irish Military ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £24.95

Blitzkrieg 1940

"Blitzkrieg 1940" is a two-player simulation of the ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £22.95

Command Magazine (Buena Vista & Moscow Burning)

Very Good Condition Unpunched Copy. Magazine has a touch of ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £21.95

Command Magazine (Strike North & Hoorah!)

Game -Strike North - Germany Invades Scandinavia, 1940

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £31.95

Command Magazine (Mukden: Climax of the Russo-Japanese War)

Mukden, 1905.
Low/med complex, 88 ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £25.95

Command Magazine (SS Panzer: Bloodbath at Kursk)

SS Panzer is a simulation of the tank battle near ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £26.95
Base price with tax:
Sales price: £20.95

Command Magazine (Death & Destruction: The Russian Front 1942-44 & Rommel at Gazala)

Death & Destruction: 1942-44 on the Eastern front is an ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £22.95

Command Magazine (Bunker Hill)

The game is a two player simulation of the first organized ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £21.95

Command Magazine (Budapest '45)

This is a simulation of the fighting in and around the ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £25.95

Command Magazine (Across the Potomac - Double Blind)

Across the Potomac is a simulation of the 1863 Gettysburg ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £15.95

Command Magazine (1914: Glory's End)

World War I game during the early campaign in the ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £24.95

Command Magazine (Like Lions They Fought)

Simulation of the Anglo-Zulu War. Game starts with a chance ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £34.95

When Tigers Fight (China/Burma 1944)

When Tigers Fight - The War in Asia, 1944. Fighting Nature, ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £24.95

Command Magazine (When Eagles Fight)

When Eagles Fight is two-player game simulating the ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £24.95

Command Magazine (Czechoslovakia '38)

This game is a two-player wargame that simulates what might ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £24.95

Command Magazine (Shogun Triumphant: The Battle of Sekigahara)

Shogun Triumphant is a two-player historical simulation of ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £23.95

Command Magazine (Antietam: Burnished Rows of Steel)

The game is a simulation of the bloodiest battle in the ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £16.95

Command Magazine (Port Arthur: The Russo-Japanese War)

Port Arthur is a simulation of the ground campaign of the ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £9.95

Command Magazine (Tet '68)

Tet `68 is a simulation of the 1968 Tet Offensive in ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £19.95

Command Magazine (I Am Spartacus!)

This game is a two-player simulation of the Third Servile ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £15.95

Command Magazine (The Chaco War)

The Chaco War covers the conflict of the same name between ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £26.95

Command Magazine (Alexandros)

A game of the conquests of Alexander the Great from 334-323 ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £9.95

Command Magazine (Inchon: MacArthur's Gambit)

This game covers the US-led invasion at Inchon, near Seoul, ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £24.95

Command Magazine (Kadesh: Mobile Warfare in the Ancient Middle East)

The battle between Egyptians and Hittites, 1285 BC. This ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £29.95

Command Magazine (Krim: von Manstein's Battles for Sevastopol, '41-'42)

Krim is a two player operational/strategic simulation of ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £24.95

Command Magazine (Hamburger Hill/Operation Solace)

"Hamburger Hill: The Tactics of Futility is a recreation of ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £26.95

Rally Point: ASL Scenario Pack - Thunderbird Pack

The long-awaited special study of the U.S. Army's 45th ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £22.95

Schwerpunkt: A Forum of Independent ASL Scenario Design

Twelve scenarios, easy-to-read format, includes ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £27.95

Battles of The French Revolutionary & Napoleonic Wars Vol. I

This scenario book contains information to recreate twelve ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £14.95

Battles from the Age of Reason Primer (2022 Edition)

Designed as an illustrated learning tool to accompany and ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £30.95

Flint & Steel (Seven Years War Rules)

Flint & Steel Miniatures Rules for the American Revolution ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £24.95

From Golan to Sinai

Arab-Israeli Wars module, six scenarios plus supplemental ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £8.95

Harpoon 4th Edition - Quickstart Rules and Scenarios

Designed to show you how to play Harpoon 4 in as short a ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £10.95
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