The 7 Year War and the American Revolution.

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Results 1 - 60 of 135

7YW / Revolution

Sales price: £408.95

Army of the Rhine Ombre de Turenne: The War of the Grand Alliance on the Rhiine, 1687-1699

Army of the Rhine: Ombre de Furenne is a hardcore war game ...

Sales price: £389.95

Cold Waves: The Atlantic & North Sea 1739-1748

Cold Waves is a hardcore, naval war game set in 18th ...

Sales price: £321.95

Sport of Kings: Germany 1740-45

Sport of Kings is a hardcore, land-base game set during the ...

Sales price: £309.95

Army of Italy Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme: The War of the Grand Alliance in Italy, 1690-1696

Army of Italy: Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme is a hardcore war ...

Sales price: £302.95

Queens' Gambit: Italy 1742-48

Queen's Gambit is a hardcore, tactical war game set in 18th ...

Sales price: £301.95

Yellow Jack: The War of Jenkins' Ear 1739-43

Yellow Jack is a hardcore, naval war game set during the ...

Sales price: £277.95

Türkenkrieg: the Russo-Austro-Turkish War of 1735-39; Balkan Theatre

Turkenkrieg is a 1-3 player war game in the 18th century. ...

Sales price: £257.95

Heirs of the Golden Horde: the Russo-Austro-Turkish War of 1735-39; Ukraine Theatre

Heirs of the Golden Horde is a 2 player expansion pack set ...

Sales price: £221.95

Remember Limerick! - The War of the Two Kings, Ireland 1689-91

Remember Limerick! (RL!) is the seventh volume of Red Sash ...

Sales price: £201.95

Army of Roussillon Les Folies d'Espagne: The War of the Grand Alliance in Spain, 1689-1697

Army of Roussillon: Les Folies d' Espagne is a hardcore war ...

Sales price: £183.95

Charlie's Year: The Last Jacobite Rebellion 1745-46

Charlie's Year: The Last Jacobite Rebellion is a hardcore ...

Sales price: £177.95

Cockpit of Europe: France & Flanders 1744-48

Cockpit of Europe is a hardcore, tactical war game set ...

Sales price: £171.95
Sales price: £167.95

Parcel o' Rogues & The Jacobite Card

Volume XV in the Lace Wars Series.

Sales price: £143.95

Mistral: The Western Med 1740-48

Mistral is a hardcore, naval war game pitting Britain and ...

Sales price: £143.95

Sommar Skrala: Russia, Sweden, and the War of the Hats 1741-1743

Somar Skrala is a 2 player competitive war game set in the ...

Sales price: £137.95

The Battle of Fontenoy (plus bonus Battle of Melle)

Excellent unpunched copy, content is in great conditon, ...

Base price with tax: £140.00
Sales price: £130.00

A Lesser Wrath: Russia, Sweden, and the War of the Hats

A Lesser Wrath is a 2-player 18th century tactical battle ...

Sales price: £107.95

Leuthen: Frederick's Greatest Victory (BAR) - BOXLESS

Presents both gamers and students of the period with a ...

Sales price: £83.95

Hidden Strike: American Revolution

A card driven game for 1 to 5 players on the American ...

Sales price: £81.95

Crown & Crescent: The Struggle for Independence in South Carolina

Crown and Crescent models the two years of intense, fierce ...

Base price with tax: £89.95
Sales price: £80.95

Horse & Musket IV: Tides of Revolution

The long-awaited fourth volume in Sean Chick's Horse & ...

Sales price: £77.95

CAPTAIN'S SEA The American Frigates 1799 - 1815

A low-to-moderate complexity game for two players who take ...

Sales price: £77.95

Mollwitz & Chotusitz: Battles of the First Silesian War (BAR)

Contains the first two battles of Frederick the Great's ...

Sales price: £76.95

Prague: The Empty Triumph (BAR) BOXLESS

PRAGUE allows players to explore all aspects of the batlle ...

Sales price: £76.95

Horse & Musket III: Crucible of War (Expansion) (REDUX)

The third volume of Sean Chick's Horse & Musket takes as ...

Sales price: £74.95

War For America: The American Revolution, 1775-1782

War for America attempts to show the conflict from the ...

Sales price: £74.95

We the People - Expansion Cards

Good Condition

An expansion of an 16 cards ...

Sales price: £74.95

Levée en Masse: The Wars of the French Revolution

This solitaire game, suitable for cooperative game play, ...

Sales price: £72.95

Freeman's Farm 1777

An innovative card driven board game on the Battle of ...

Sales price: £67.95

Philadelphia 1777

PHILADELPHIA 1777 is a war game about the American ...

Sales price: £67.95

Dawns Early Light: The War Of 1812

A two-player card-driven grand strategy game: a ...

Sales price: £67.95

The Great Crisis of Frederick II

In this strategy boardgame, players will enact the European ...

Sales price: £66.95

Field of Mars: Battlefield Expansion Kit for the Lace Wars Series

Field of Mars is a 2 player competitive war game. It is a ...

Sales price: £65.95

American Revolution Tri-Pack #2

The long awaited and much anticipated second Tri-pack in ...

Base price with tax: £71.95
Sales price: £64.95
Sales price: £62.95
Sales price: £62.95

Revolution Road: April and June of 1775

Encompasses the two Massachusetts flashpoints that ignited ...

Base price with tax: £67.95
Sales price: £61.95

Trenton 1776 (Volume Two)

Washington Crosses the Delaware – Campaign game of the ...

Sales price: £60.95

New York 1776 (Volume One)

New York 1776 is our first volume of the American ...

Sales price: £60.95

Liberty: The American Revolution 1775-83

Liberty is a fast-playing game covering the American ...

Sales price: £59.95

Revolution Road: April and June of 1775

Excellent punched copy, content well looked after, counters ...

Base price with tax: £67.95
Sales price: £59.95

Battle of White Plains

Volume 10 in GMT’s award-winning Battles of the American ...

Base price with tax: £68.95
Sales price: £59.45

Liberty or Death: The American Insurrection, 3rd Printing

Volume V in GMT’s COIN Series takes us back to the struggle ...

Base price with tax: £78.95
Sales price: £58.95

Clash of Sovereigns: The War of the Austrian Succession, 1740-48

Clash of Sovereigns (COS), GMT’s 2-4 player card-driven ...

Base price with tax: £68.95
Sales price: £58.95

The Shores of Tripoli

The Shores of Tripoli is a two-player, card-driven game ...

Base price with tax: £63.95
Sales price: £58.95

Washington's War, 3rd Printing

The long awaited re-design of the original card driven ...

Base price with tax: £64.95
Sales price: £58.95

Road to Independence: The American Revolution 1775-1783

A two player, entry level strategic war game from The ...

Sales price: £56.95

Don't Tread On Me!: American Revolutionary War (Folio)

Folio Version. A grand strategy solitaire simulation of the ...

Sales price: £54.95

The Battle of Rhode Island

Volume 9 in GMT’s Battles of the American Revolution series ...

Base price with tax: £58.95
Sales price: £54.45

Don't Tread On Me!: American Revolutionary War (Boxed)

New copy to check content. Boxed Version. A grand strategy ...

Base price with tax: £56.95
Sales price: £53.95

Warriors of America

A fast-playing game on the American War of Independence, ...

Base price with tax: £58.95
Sales price: £52.95

War of the Austrian Succession #289

War of the Austrian Succession is a wargame of Frederick ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £42.95

Horse & Musket III: Crucible of War (Expansion) (1st Edition)

The third volume of Sean Chick's Horse & Musket takes as ...

Sales price: £50.95

Battle of Brandywine BOXED

"Battle of Brandywine" is a one to two player war game set ...

Sales price: £49.95

French & Indian War Vol. 2: Savage Wilderness BOXED

Savage Wilderness is a low complexity strategy game for one ...

Sales price: £49.95

French & Indian War Vol. 1: Bloody Mohawk BOXED

Bloody Mohawk is low complexity strategy game for one to ...

Sales price: £49.95

Strategy & Tactics Issue #346 Andrew Jackson’s Battles

A two-player tactical simulation of battles on the American ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £40.95

Mollwitz 1741: Frederick the Great's First Battle (Boxed)

Boxed Version. Uses the Stand and Deliver Standard Series ...

Sales price: £48.95
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