Four Corners: A Sea Lords Expansion Pack

Four Corners is an expansion pack for the Sea Lords board game saga. It is compatible with Yellow Jack, Mistral, Cold Waves, and Turkenkrieg (each game sold separately).
Sales price £181.95
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Four Corners contains expansions for the four Sea Lords games set during the time of the War of the Austrian Succession.


King George’s War (requires Yellow Jack):

It expands the map of Yellow Jack to include New England and Maritime Canada, with a focus on the taking of the French fortress of Louisbourg. This expansion is the most complex, involving expeditionary forces and the same land combat system as Yellow Jack. It also includes a large number of counters.


The Carnatic War (requires Cold Waves):

This covers the First Carnatic War of 1744 to 1748 from a purely naval perspective. This is the conflict in which the French captured Madras from the British. Although the maps are isolated from the regions covered by any of the games, the expansion is officially linked to the game Cold Waves. This expansion uses a standard ‘operational’ map for the region of conflict and a strategic map covering the whole of the Indian Ocean.

Few counters are provided; most must be supplied by Cold Waves.


The Eastern Med (requires Mistral):

This extends the map of Mistral to include the remainder of the Mediterranean basin. The expansion itself includes only a few counters — very little action took place in the Levant — but does have the entire 2.0 Upgrade package for Mistral, which was previously

available only as a Print-n-Play, and all the errata counters for Mistral.


Osmanli Gölü (compatible with The Eastern Med Expansion, Mistral, Turkenkrieg, and Heirs of the Golden Horde):

This adds a map for the Black Sea. This map can be linked to the Eastern Med and Mistral but the expansion is intended to be used with the Lace Wars games Türkenkrieg and Heirs of the Golden Horde, adding the Russian and Ottoman fleets, which were abstracted in the originals.



  • 4 rulebooks
  • 5  maps
  • Over 480 game pieces
  • Short historical commentary
  • 4 sets of display cards.