Cold Waves: The Atlantic & North Sea 1739-1748

Cold Waves is a hardcore, naval war game set in 18th century seas. It is the fourth installment of the Sea Lords saga.
Sales price £321.95
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Cold Waves is a naval war game for two players, set during the years 1739-1748. It explores the roles of the navies of Britain, Spain, and France in the European "Home Waters." During the early years, only Britain and Spain were at war, and many of their ships were "off map" in the Med or in the Caribbean, leaving minimal resources to carry out the duties of patrolling, escort, and convoy interception.


Beginning in 1744, the French became involved, essentially doubling the size of the Bourbon fleet and placing the threat of an invasion of England on the table. By war's end, however, Bourbon forces (and more importantly their merchant marine) had been attrited away. This narrative arc gives the players a variety of situations to experiment with.


Game scale is "operational," which has playing pieces represent squadrons of as many as four ships, rather than individual men-of-war. This game also includes the navies of Holland, Portugal, and Denmark.




-3 hours for Minor Scenario

-2 Days for Campaign Scenario

AGE: 14+



  • A single map (65x46" inch) split across 5 pieces
  • 8 sheets of die-cut game pieces
  • 53 wooden disks
  • 6 rulebooks
  • A historical commentary book
  • 1 set of display cards