Magazines and Books

Results 121 - 180 of 1484

Magazines and Books

Austerlitz : 1805 - Part Two : The North

Vae Victis issue 64:
The game is designed by ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £12.95

Las Navas de Tolosa,1212

Vae Victis issue 62:
The game is designed by ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £14.95

Blitzkrieg : 1940 - Battles of Hannut & Stonne

Uses a similar system to VV #7 - Abbeville 1940

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £8.95

Ebro : 1938 - The Offensive of the Jercito Popular

A simulation of the first decisive days of main battle of ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £14.95

Feudalism & Operation Pedestal (FRENCH RULES ONLY)

FEUDALISM : Christo regnante, regem sperante

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £8.95
Base price with tax:
Sales price: £12.95

Marston Moor

Wargamer Vol.1 No.07 Oct 1978. Marston Moor is a ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £12.95


Game only in great unpunched condition Blenheim is a ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £32.95

Drive on Damascus

Wargamer Vol.1 No.15 Drive on Damascus uses ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £24.95

Never Call Retreat

Wargamer Vol.1 No.25 Sep/Oct 1983 NEVER CALL ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £4.95

Battle of the Hedgerows: Drive for Saint-Lô

A Tactical Mission (TM) Pack with 1x Tactical Mission ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £24.95

Birth of a Nation

Wargamer Vol.1 No.18 Jan-Feb 1982 This game is a ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £11.95

Little Round Top

Wargamer Vol.1 No.20 May-Jun 1982 Confederate attack by ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £15.95

Fallen Eagle : Khe Sanh

Wargamer Vol.1 No.62 March 1987 This is a simulation of ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £11.95

Struggle for Stalingrad

Wargamer Vol.1 No.47 Nov 1985 New Copy, has rusty staples ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £11.95

Red Baron

Wargamer Vol.1 No.48 Dec 1985 New Copy, has rusty staples ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £4.95

Napoleon and the Archduke Charles: The Battle of Aspern-Essling

Wargamer Vol.1 No.49 Jan 1986 New Copy, has rusty staples ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £16.95

Rise of the House of Sa'ud

Wargamer Vol.1 No.46 Oct 1985 New Copy, has rusty staples ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £7.95

Custer's Luck

Wargamer Vol.1 No.45 Sep 1985 New Copy, has rusty staples ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £11.95

End of the Iron Dream

Wargamer Vol.1 No.42 June 1985 New Copy, has rusty staples ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £8.95

Wellington Vs Massena

Wargamer Vol.1 No.43 July 1985 New Copy, has rusty staples ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £5.95

MacArthur: The Road to Bataan

Wargamer Vol.1 No.44 Aug 1985 New Copy, has rusty staples ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £4.95

Duel in the Desert

Wargamer Vol.1 No.51 March 1986 New Copy, has rusty ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £6.95

Glory Road : The First Battle of Bull Run

Wargamer Vol.1 No.52 April 1986 New Copy, has rusty ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £6.95

Clash of Empires : 1914

Wargamer Vol.1 No.58 Oct 1986 New Copy, has rusty staples ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £7.95

Bloody Keren: Ethiopia 1941

Wargamer Vol.1 No.59 Nov 1986 New Copy, has rusty staples ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £15.95


Wargamer Vol.1 No.60 Dec 1986 New Copy, has rusty staples ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £9.95

Race for Tunis

Wargamer Vol.1 No.57 Sep 1986 New Copy, has rusty staples ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £11.95

Dynamo: Dunkirk 1940

Wargamer Vol.1 No.53 May 1986 New Copy, has rusty staples ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £4.95

Condottieri: The Battle of Castagnaro

Wargamer Vol.1 No.54 June 1986 New Copy, has rusty staples ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £8.95


Wargamer Vol.1 No.55 July 1986 New Copy, has rusty staples ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £14.95

West Wall

Wargamer Vol.1 No.35 Nov 1984 A double-blind wargame, ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £4.95

Fallen Eagle - The Battle of Khe Sanh

This is a simulation of the Battle of Khe Sanh, Vietnam, ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £7.95

Condottieri: The Battle of Castagnaro

Wargamer Vol.1 No.54 June 1986 Condottieri depicts the ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £6.95

Kesselschlacht - The First Panzer Army in the Ukraine 1944

Simulation depicting the encirclement and escape of the ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £29.95

Stalin Moves West - Issue #58

Hypothetical simulation in which the Third Reich did not ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £22.45

The Luzon Campaign, 1945 - Issue #59

A wargame, purpose-designed for solitaire play, which ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £41.95

Eisenhower's War - Issue #60

Two-player wargame covering the final 11 months of World ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £29.95

Peaks of the Caucasus - Issue #61

Simulates the German offensive in the southern Soviet Union ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £31.95

Escape Hell's Gate: Korsun Pocket 1944 - Issue #57

Covers the final attempt of the German 3rd Panzer Corps ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £41.95

Bastogne (Solitaire) - Issue #56

Battle of the Bulge Solitaire.

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £46.95

Strike & Counterstrike (SCS) (Solitaire) - Issue #53

Strike & Counterstrike (SCS) Battle for Moscow, is ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £27.95

Spanish Civil War Battles (Belchite & Teruel) - Issue #62

Two-player, operational-level wargame of the Belchite ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £40.95

Guards Tank: The Battle of Prochorovka, July 1943 - Issue #13

The first of our new East Front Battles Series. That series ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £42.95

France 1940: Strange Victory – Strange Defeat - Issue #68

A two player game that allows players to examine the ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £32.95

Breakout: 1st Panzer Army - Issue #69

A two player game that allows players to examine the ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £43.95

Great Pacific War - Issue #70

A solitaire game of the hypothetical campaigns fought ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £49.95

Forgotten Pacific Battles - Issue #71

A solitaire game using the standard Fire & Movement (F&M) ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £41.95

The Battle of Changsha - Issue #67

A two-player, operational level game of the second ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £42.95

The Central Pacific Campaign - Issue #63

A solitaire, strategic-level wargame of the struggle for ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £42.95

The Rats of Tobruk - Issue #64

A two-player operational/tactical game that simulates ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £33.95

Operation Typhoon - Issue #65

A solitaire operational-strategic simulation that covers ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £30.95
Base price with tax:
Sales price: £56.95

Bloody Ridge: Decision on Guadalcanal, 13 September 1942 (solo) - Issue #37

A purpose-designed solitaire wargame of low complexity ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £42.95

Ghost Division: 1940 (Solitaire) - Issue #38

A solitaire game in which you, the player, takes command of ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £42.95

France Fights On - Issue #39

Examines the strategic and operational possibilities ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £24.95

Strike North: Japan vs. the Soviet Union, 1941 - Issue #35

Strike North presumes that Imperial Japan has decided to ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £27.95

Winterstorm (EFB 4) - Issue #36

Covers the December 1942 effort by a scratch German corps ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £29.95

Pacific Battles: Nomonhan, 1939 - Issue #32

Nomonhan is the second game in the series (Japanese vs. ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £22.95

Guards Armoured Division: Special Edition - Issue #34

The Famous Divisions series continue with British Guards ...

Base price with tax:
Sales price: £39.95