Custer's Luck

Wargamer Vol.1 No.45 Sep 1985
New Copy, has rusty staples from long-term storage.
Four scenarios re-create the U.S. Army’s ill-fated 1876 campaign against the Sioux and their allies. One to three players (all scenarios play solitaire) direct the various army commands: Crook’s, Terry’s/Gibbon’s and, of course Custer’s. The Indians move on the results of a double-dice roll against a wander table.
Base price with tax
Sales price £11.95
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New Copy, has rusty staples  from long-term storage.

Wargamer Vol.1 No.45 Sep 1985


Custer's Luck (by Wayne Close)

Four scenarios re-create the U.S. Army’s ill-fated 1876 campaign against the Sioux and their allies. One to three players (all scenarios play solitaire) direct the various army commands: Crook’s, Terry’s/Gibbon’s and, of course Custer’s. The Indians move on the results of a double-dice roll against a wander table.

There are rules for scouting, surprise attacks, mule and wagon supply-trains and the river-boat “Far West”.


War for the Plains - E.Faust, L.Fisher
- Historical background for the issue game

World in Flames (ADG)
- Game review - S.White
- Examples of play
- Designer's Notes - H.Rowland, G.Pinder

Russian Front (AH)
- Game review - K.Poulter

A Hitchhiker's Guide to Computer Wargaming - M.McLaughlin
- Six-Gun Shootout (SSI)
- Computer Ambush (SSI)
- Gemstone Warriors (SSI)

End of the Iron Dream - errata - T.Bomba

Work in Progress
- A prepublication look at Rommel's War (QtrD) - V.von Borries

La Bataille d'Auerstadt (CoA)
- Game review - S.Slingsby

- A TSR Potpourri - J.Seiken
- Trial of Strength (Panther) - S.List

Mightier Than the Sword
- Book reviews

G2 / Hobby News - S.Maskell

Home Front
- News from 3W - K.Poulter

Issue Number
Magazine issue number.