The Last Hundred Yards Volume 5: For King & Country

Joins the Last Hundred Yards family as British and Canadian Forces retake western Europe from German occupation.
Base price with tax £52.95
Sales price £47.95

Made the Cut


Core Volumes for the Last Hundred Yards (LHY) European Theater Series: The Last Hundred Yards (Base Game) and Volume 2 (Airborne Over Europe) are core volumes for the rest of the European LHY series. Thus, players must own both Volumes 1 and 2 to play the Russian Module, Mission Pack 1, and future modules in the series.


The Last Hundred Yards Volume 5: For King & Country joins the Last Hundred Yards family as British and Canadian Forces retake western Europe from German occupation. The pack contains ten/twelve Missions that occurred in 1944 during the Normandy landings and breakout phases from June through August and Operation Market Garden in the Netherlands in September. Players must own The Last Hundred Yards Volumes 1 and 2 to play Volume 5.

By 1944, the Red Devils of the British 1st Airborne had a proud tradition of parachute and glider drops in North Africa and Crete. The men in distinctive red berets had gained a well-deserved reputation for courage and effectiveness as the “tip of the spear” to take key locations behind enemy lines and hold them for the attacking force as an efficient and effective fighting force. In For King & Country, you will take the experience gained from Airborne over Europe and extend it to these British elite forces for airborne missions into Arnhem as part of Operation Market Garden and behind the German lines at the Caen Canal in the dark hours before D-Day. The bridge was later renamed “Pegasus” in honor of the Red Devils' mascot.

Enter into the decisive phase of the war and storm Juno beach with the new and untried Canadian 3rd Infantry Division. Push inland towards the Caen-Bayeux railway line and take the airfields at Carpiquet, against the initial counterstrokes made by the 21st Panzer Division. Finally, join operations aimed to take Caen with its vital road network and face the fury of the unbloodied 12th SS Panzer Division equipped with the best weaponry and equipment available, finally unleashed and sent forward against the invasion.