Suez Solo: Rommel Drives Deep - Issue #78

A solitaire game where the player takes command of the German-Italian Panzer Armee Afrika (PAA) during the 1942 campaign in Egypt as Rommel drives on the Suez Canal.
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Suez Solo: Rommel Drives Deep is a solitaire game where the player takes command of the German-Italian Panzer Armee Afrika (PAA) during the 1942 campaign in Egypt as Rommel drives on the Suez Canal. The game begins immediately following the PAA capture of Tobruk in June 1942 and continues through to the August battle of Alam el Halfa where Rommel was finally stopped. Your goal is to seize strategic objectives such as major cities in the Nile Delta and the Suez Canal. In the game, you control the PAA. The game system plays the Allied Middle East Command (MEC). You will have to deal with a wide variety of situations, from battling against fierce counterattacks to figuring out ways to extend your lines of supply. Your objective: Suez! The game has two levels: the Standard Rules, that gives the player a quick wargame, and the Optional Rules, that give more realism at the expense of more complexity. The time span of turns 1 to 7 is from the last week of June 1942 to the first week of September; turns 8 to 10 cover the rest of September to mid-October. Each turn can represent any amount of time from two days of intense combat to two weeks of refitting and reorganizing. The map scale is approximately 45 km to the inch. Ground combat units represent everything from battalions to divisions. Air units represent two to six groups.

Components: 22x34 inch map, 176 die-cut counters.