Soldados Wargame Magazine (Gazala - Tobruk 1942)

Wargames Soldados y Estrategia (Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy) is a [Spanish language] magazine that tries to combine history and wargames. Rules, miniatures, boardgames, painting techniques, building scenery, and of course,
Sales price £7.95

Wargames Soldados y Estrategia (Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy) is a [Spanish language] magazine that tries to combine history and wargames. Rules, miniatures, boardgames, painting techniques, building scenery, and of course, military history, are all in our magazine.

Some issues contain small games with unmounted counters.

Game Included with this Issue: Gazala-Tobruk

Gazala-Tobruk game system, of medium complexity, puts the emphasis on armored combat, with tank/armor units at battalion level and regiments and brigades for the infantry. Each type of unit exerts a type of ZoC depending of the quantity and/or quality of its anti tank/armor assets, from rigid ZoC to semi rigid or no ZoC at all.

Other outstanding aspects of the rules are the HQ units that give combat support (There are HQ at the Army, Corps, Division levels, and even at Brigade level for independent British Armored brigades); minefields, air support and Allied redoubts or boxes.

Includes photo-copied English Rules (have rusty staple). Counters remain uncut in their sheet.

Issue Number
Magazine issue number.