So Full of Fire -Band of Brothers at Brécourt Manor

So Full of Fire—Band of Brothers at Brécourt Manor and Beyond

North of Brécourt Manor, Normandy, 6 June 1944 0830 Hours: After linking up with his parent unit at
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So Full of Fire—Band of Brothers at Brécourt Manor and Beyond

North of Brécourt Manor, Normandy, 6 June 1944 0830 Hours: After linking up with his parent unit at the hamlet of Le Grand Chemin on the morning of June 6, 1944, 1st Lieutenant Richard Winters was ordered up front away from his company. With minimal instructions and no briefing, Winters found himself tasked to destroy a German artillery battery. The battery had initially been reported to be 88 mm guns firing onto causeway exit #2 leading off Utah Beach thereby disrupting the advance of the U.S. 4th Infantry Division inland on this route. It turned out to be four 105’s, with support elements nearby. Several other units had stumbled into the enemy position earlier in the morning and had been repulsed. Winters collected a team of thirteen men from his own and other companies and developed a quick plan of attack. He positioned a pair of M1919 .30 caliber machine guns to serve as a base of fire and sent several soldiers (2nd Lt. Lynn D. Compton, Sgt. Joseph D. Toye, and Sgt. William J. Guarnere) to one flank to destroy a machine gun position with grenades and provide covering fire. Sgt. C. Carwood Lipton climbed a tree, which exposed him to enemy fire but provided an excellent view of the enemy. He opened fire, but return fire caused him to return rapidly to the ground. Winters then led an attack down the hedgerow leading to the first gun position. After the four guns were disabled, Winters’ team was low on ammunition and withdrew...

And with that exciting account CH is pleased to welcome GILES TIMMES to the ATS design team! His effort depicts the 101st Airborne as they take on the German battery at Brécourt Manor, a scene right out of the book and movie “Band of Brothers”. To make things even more enticing, the new historical map features LARGE hexes PLUS we include THREE bonus scenarios AND a 100% FREE GIFT in the form of a sheet of 56 color die-cut 101st Airborne ‘shoulder patch’ Personnel counters, each adorned with the ‘Screaming Eagle’ emblem.

To enjoy this product youÂ’ll need to own the German and American standard ATS Personnel counter sheets and Late War German AFVs as well as the standard American AFV sheet. To enjoy it to the fullest, we suggest you get FOUR German 105s, the leFH 18 H|HOW counter, two of which are found on the PARKERÂ’S CROSSROADS counter sheet. All of these sheets may be purchased separately here at