Schwerpunkt: A Forum of Independent ASL Scenario Design

12 New Scenarios Complete with Designer's Notes and Analysis: These scenarios (SP25-36) are taken from the Florida ASL Tournament.
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Sales price £23.75

12 New Scenarios Complete with Designer's Notes and Analysis: These scenarios (SP25-36) are taken from the Florida ASL Tournament.

SP25 Two Pounds in Return:
This is a tournament level desert scenario featuring boards 25,26, and 27. In this scenario, a small German kampfgruppe of captured portees and infantry conducts a withdrawal that turns into a running gun battle with two groups of New Zealand carriers and armored cars.

SP26 Wallersheim:
Pershing tanks and infantry form the 9th Armored Division attack to seize one of two hills on board 41 that are defended by a tough group of German paratroops, supported by a JgdPz V and a 105mm RCL. This is a beefy scenario that has OBA on both sides and plenty of action.

SP27 Sudden Fury:
A Squadron of Churchills defends a board 11 crossroads against a marauding platoon of Jagdpanthers. This is a quick and bloody armor scenario that will test your tank fighting skills.

SP28 Clearing Qualberg:
A company of Highlanders in Kangaroos, supported by Churchills and OBA attack to clear a small village of German paratroops and StuG III G's.

SP29 Schloss Bubingen:
This is a fast paced tournament scenario on board 6 that has a platoon of American infantry supported by an M12 SP howitzer and engineers (with DC's and a flame-thrower), assaulting to clear a group of Germans from a castle.

SP30 Evicting Yamagishi:
A stubborn company of Japanese supported by AT guns defends a stretch of Manchurian highway against a column of Soviet infantry and ISU 122's in 1945.

SP31 The Hills of Lagonovo:
A tough group of German panzerpioneers and PzII's attacks a numerically superior Soviet force in an effort to knock them off Hill 621. This is a big scenario with 200mm German rocket OBA.

SP32 Over Open Sights:
This is a tournament level, micro-scenario featuring a section of 18 pounder guns desperately trying to fight off a group fanatic Italian Cavalry in 1941 East Africa. Yes, that's right I said fanatic Italians.

SP33 The Eternal City:
This is Mike Faulkner's big city tank battle that features a large force of the 1st SSF supported by Sherman tanks attacking a mixed German force of paratroops, flakwagens, and SP guns. If enjoy OBA, mines, wire, and sorting through all your weird German vehicles this scenario is for you!

SP34 Frank Force:
A company of Durham Light infantry and Matilda I's and II's attack a group of German infantry supported by two 88mm guns. This is a tense 1940 action set on boards 4 and 43.

SP35 The Jungleers:
On Biak in the Schouten Islands, a company of American infantry and two Shermans tries to hold off a savage attack by Japanese infantry and Ha-Go tanks. This is a very violent and bloody scenario that has few survivors left on the board at the end.

SP36 Desantniki:
Two platoons of Soviet lend-lease Sherman tanks and riders attack to clear a crossroads of German infantry and anti-tank guns. This is a quick playing, tournament level scenario using boards 17 and 18.

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