Saint Come du Mont

"Saint Come du Mont" brings further depth and exciting gameplay to the world of SMG.
Sales price £28.95

Saint-Côme-du-Mont is a collection of X-Terrain suitable to add a small stone church to your games. The church steeple is an excellent place for look outs and snipers. And the stone construction of both the church and parsonage will make it necessary to go in and clean the enemy out.


  • X3A Saint-Côme-du-Mont - a stone church with steeple
  • X3B St. Comé le Presbytrère - a one story stone parsonage
  • X3C La Crypte de St. Comé - a church graveyard and crypt
  • 10 Scenarios
  • 3 sets of 3 Story cards
  • 7 Order cards