Rommel in the Desert

Rommel in the desert is a fast-moving, challenging, tense, and playable game based on the North Africa desert campaign of World War II.
Sales price £89.95
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Latest version (2022).

Rommel in the Desert is a fast-moving, challenging, tense, and playable game based on the North Africa desert campaign of World War II.

Rommel in the Desert has been enjoyed by thousands of gamers for over 20 years. Experience the game many consider the best on the subject.

The new edition of our classic WWII North Africa Campaign game contains revised rules, mapboard, and blocks with outstanding artwork. Plays in 3-8 hours.

Rommel in the Desert simulates the experience of command. The real problems of generals have nothing to do with shuffling combat factors to get a perfect 3-1 attack while the enemy waits passively to be overwhelmed. Rommel gained many of his victories by employing speed, daring, and surprise.

In this game, as in the desert campaign, the events of the battlefield are often subordinate to the battle of wits and nerves between opposing commanders. A good grasp of strategy will help, but foresight, nerve, and instinct are the crucial elements of success.


100 wooden blocks
Mapboard (11 x 34 inches)
42 Supply Cards
4 Dice