Resistance is not Futile: The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (Firefight Games)

Covers the Insurrection of the Warsaw Ghetto in April 1943
Sales price £11.95
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"Resistance is not Futile" covers the Insurrection of the Warsaw Ghetto in April 1943. With most of its remaining population already having endured years of privation and growing squalor, mass deportations, and learning that soon the Nazis would be back to send the remainder to Concentration Camps, an insurrection broke out on the eve of Adolf Hitler’s birthday. Local SS commander, Jurgen Stroop, believed the troops he had on-hand would make for a quick end to this impudent act of defiance by the Jews and the Polish Home Army members who choose to rise up against the Third Reich. His underestimation of the Jewish and Polish defenders was a costly mistake, as the fight lasted for weeks and cost the Germans and their fascist allies dearly."

Firefight Games had to suspend sales of this game.

Map scale: 100 yards per inch
Counter scale: squad/platoon
Game turn: 2 or 3 days