Platoon Commander Deluxe: Kursk

Port of Tiny Battles’ well-known Platoon Commander system.
Sales price £94.95
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Platoon Commander Deluxe: Kursk (PCD:K) is the port of Tiny Battles’ well-known Platoon Commander system to Flying Pig’s big box, mounted map, large counter method of game publishing.

Each game includes three mounted 22” x 17” geomorphic maps, and four sheets of thick (as in 2mm thick, wow these counters are so easy to pick up, thick, why haven’t wargames been like this forever, thick), 1” square counters.

There are Tiger tanks, Panther tanks, Mk IV tanks, T-34/76 tanks, KV-1 tanks, SU-152 assault guns, infantry (rifle, guards, pioneers, submachinegun), mortar batteries, Stukas, IL-2, and more.

PCD:K uses version 2 of the Platoon Commander rules, which are identical to the V1.5 rules released with the latest Tiny Battle Publishing Platoon Commander game, Poland Strikes, with the exception of enhanced artillery and new air strike routines.