Milne Bay

Several scenarios are included to allow players to explore different Australian and Japanese plans.
Sales price £29.95
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"Australian troops had, at Milne Bay in New Guinea, inflicted on the Japanese their first undoubted defeat on land. Some of us may forget that of all the Allies it was the Australian soldiers who first broke the spell of the invincibility of the Japanese Army."

-Field Marshall Sir William Slim
Defeated at sea in the battle of the Coral Sea in May and then distracted by the US Marine Corps landings on Guadalcanal, the Japanese High Command was forced to change its plans for New Guinea. After diverting the previously allocated Army regiment to reinforce Guadacanal, it fell to the Navy to gather a scratch force to capture the 'lightly defended' airfield on the eastern tip of New Guinea. 
Unfortunately for Japanese plans, these months of delays allowed Australia finish assembling a brigade of Militia at Milne Bay during July and then rush a veteran AIF brigade there shortly before the Japanese landings commenced on August 25th, 1942.
Several scenarios are included to allow players to explore different Australian and Japanese plans
* 11x17" map sheet
* 8 page rulebook
* One countersheets totalling 88 counters
* One charts and tables sheet
Complexity: Below Average
Solitaire suitability: Average
Time to play: approximately 1 hours
Map scale: 2 miles
Unit size: Companies
Turn length: 1 day