MacArthur's Return: Leyte, 1944

MacArthur's Return recreates in four scenarios & a campaign game the 1944-45 operations fought on the island of Leyte.
Sales price £35.95
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20 October, 1944: In the early morning hours Japanese soldiers of the 16th Infantry Division awoke to a rain of shells courtesy of the U.S. Navy's 7th Fleet. Off the eastern coast of Leyte, in the central Philippines, were over 700 Allied ships carrying 174,000 soldiers of the U.S. 6th Army. Ashore in strength by the day's end, the operation appeared destined to clear the island in short order. What was to have been a relatively brief campaign against an overwhelmed foe became instead an extended battle between two field armies.

MacArthur's Return recreates in four scenarios & a campaign game the 1944-45 operations fought on the island of Leyte. Included are rules for Japanese parachute drops, additional American & Japanese amphibious landings, variable reinforcements & amphibious tanks.

Complexity: Medium.

Solitaire Suitability: Low/Medium.

MacArthur's Return Includes:

720 Counters
One 22x34 inch map
16 Page Rules Booklet

Game Scale
battalion units, two day turns, 2 mile hexes.