Illusionary Fortress

The impregnable fortress of British Imperial power in the Far East proved to be an illusion, Churchill’s “battleship without a keel”
Sales price £34.95

Having fought their way down the Malay peninsula, the three exhausted divisions of the Imperial Japanese army are now at the end of their tenuous logistics chain and must make one final desperate effort for the glory of the emperor. Facing off against them are the British Empire’s battered army, desperately holding out on Singapore Island .... “The Gibraltar of the Far East”.

Historically the loss of Singapore was the worst defeat of British arms in World War Two and resulted in a humanitarian tragedy for the soldiers gathered from across the Commonwealth captured there.

The impregnable fortress of British Imperial power in the Far East proved to be an illusion, Churchill’s “battleship without a keel”


* 8 page rulebook
* 22 x 17 map
* 264 full color single sided 5/8” counters
* 1 reference chart
* 2 tracks and table sheets
Complexity: Average
Solitaire suitability: moderate 
Time to play: approximately 4 hours
Map scale: 1 kilometre hexes
Unit size: Battalions
Turn length: 1 day