France '40 (1st Printing)

Excellent unpunched copy, content is like new, well looked after by previous owner, only slight ware to the box.

“...even if the operation were to have only a 10% chance of success, I would stick with it. For only this can lead to the defeat of the enemy.”—General Halder,
Base price with tax £94.95
Sales price £84.95
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Excellent unpunched copy, content is like new, well looked after by previous owner, only slight ware to the box.

“...even if the operation were to have only a 10% chance of success, I would stick with it. For only this can lead to the defeat of the enemy.”—General Halder, Chief of General Staff

France '40 covers the crucial 10 days in May, 1940 when the German army broke the French line on the Meuse and raced to the sea at Abbeville. The daring sickle-like-cut across France cut off the BEF from their bases in Normandy and also trapped the French 1st and 7th Armies in Picardy. The French high-command became paralyzed and failed to counterattack. The British saw the situation was hopeless and headed for Dunkirk. It doomed France.

The game starts on May 13th, the third day of Case Yellow. Six panzer divisions are already through the Ardennes and at the Meuse River. The French and British have already raced through Belgium to reach the Dyle Line and cover the Gembloux Gap. The stage is set. Can the Germans cross the Meuse in front of strong opposition? And if they can, will they be able to break out from the bridgeheads? And if they can do that, their advance across the map is threatened as Allied reinforcements pour in from the north (mainly British) and south (French). Most reinforcements are determined randomly so the German player never knows what to expect on his flanks.

Rules highlight armor, air support and morale. Special rules include Allied Heavy Armor units, DeGaulleÂ’s and RommelÂ’s initiative, HitlerÂ’s Halt Order and French Command Paralysis.


SICKLE CUT: GuderianÂ’s Drive to the Channel This game covers the crucial week in May 1940 when the German army broke the French line on the Meuse and raced to the sea at Abbeville. The game starts on May 13th, the third day of Case Yellow. Six panzer divisions have passed through the Ardennes and are now at the Meuse River. The stage is set. Can the Germans cross the Meuse in front of strong opposition? And if they can, will they be able to break out from the bridgeheads and advance across the map while threatened by Allied reinforcements pouring in from the north and south?

DYNAMO: Retreat to Victory This game covers the British withdrawal to Dunkirk and the evacuation. The game starts on May 24th, the day the British decide that the B.E.F. is in real danger of being cut-off from their supply base and the best option is to head for the coast at Dunkirk. Can the British reach the coast before the Germans? Can they hold the Dunkirk perimeter for eight days while they evacuate?

The rules for both games highlight armor, air support and morale. Special rules include Allied Heavy Tanks, DeGaulle, Rommel, HitlerÂ’s Halt Order and French Command Paralysis.

•Most units are divisions, but many brigades and regiments as well as French independent tank battalions are included.
•Each hex is 4 miles across.
•Each turn represents 1 day.

•2 paper maps
•2 countersheets
•1 rulebook
•4 player aid cards
•2 6-sided dice

Game Designer: Mark Simonitch