Fields of Fire, Deluxe Edition

An expanded and improved edition of Fields of Fire Volume I. Based on the past 15 years of feedback, hundreds of hours of playtesting, and long discussions with the design team
Base price with tax £94.95
Sales price £84.95

Available for pre-order. In Art and Final Development.

Fields of Fire, Deluxe Edition is an expanded and improved edition of Fields of Fire Volume I. Based on the past 15 years of feedback, hundreds of hours of playtesting, and long discussions with the design team, the Deluxe Edition presents Ben Hull’s masterpiece of tactical infantry command in a way that is accessible to the modern gamer while retaining all of the deep complexity that veteran players have grown to love over the years.


New features include:

  • A Rewritten Series Rulebook. The Deluxe Edition comes with a rewritten third edition ruleset, packed with examples, diagrams, and clarifying notes while maintaining continuity with the 2nd edition rules. Our rules development team of Andrew Stead and Colin Parsons have worked to eliminate ambiguities and edge cases throughout, creating a much improved reference manual for play.
  • A Starter Guide. While Fields of Fire has a reputation of being difficult to learn, the Starter Guide makes it easy. Each chapter in the Starter Guide incrementally introduces new rules through training exercises that teach you the basics of infantry combat. Later exercises act as advanced guides on setting up for air assaults and making the best use of supporting vehicles. 
  • A Full Starter Mission. A stand-alone mission tailored towards easing new company commanders into the full game. This mission can be played repeatedly with a variety of simplified rules to allow you to adjust to the full historical campaigns.
  • Three Fully Redesigned Mission Books. Using the much improved format from Fields of Fire: The Bulge Campaign, the Normandy, Heartbreak Ridge, Naktong River, and Vietnam campaigns are presented in a clarified and expanded manner.
  • Over 200 updated counters plus various additional reference markers and new units.
  • New elevation cards to enhance the Heartbreak Ridge campaign.
  • A completely new set of redesigned player aids including new charts and air assault planning cards.
  • A 3" Game Box


TIME SCALE: 15-20 minutes per turn

MAP SCALE: Abstract areas approximately 10m x 10m to 100m x 100m depending on the terrain

UNIT SCALE: Squads, HQs, teams, and weapons crews



Series and Game Design: Ben Hull

Developers, 1st and 2nd Printings: Dick Vohlers and Ricky Gray

Developers, Deluxe Edition: Andrew Stead and Colin Parsons