Europa Magazine


- “COMPANY BRIEFING: GRD Continued” (Commentary) Carl Kleihege

- “FROM THE EDITOR: Private Ryan's Generation” (Editorial) David H. Lippman

- “HISTORICAL BACKGROUND: An Iowa Girl in Washington in
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- “COMPANY BRIEFING: GRD Continued” (Commentary) Carl Kleihege
- “FROM THE EDITOR: Private Ryan's Generation” (Editorial) David H. Lippman
- “HISTORICAL BACKGROUND: An Iowa Girl in Washington in World War II” (Historical) Lois Kevan Bernhardt
- Second Front – “BATTLEFIELD REPORT: Second Front, Colorado Style, Part II - The Liberation of Italy and France” (Series Replay) Cory S. Manka
- “HISTORICAL BACKGROUND: The Torch Landings” (Historical) David Tinny
- “HISTORICAL BACKGROUND: The Ships of Torch” (Historical) David Tinny
- War in the Desert/Second Front – “HOME FRONT: Continuing WitD into SF” (Variant) Eric Pierce
- Second Front – “RULES COURT: An Appeal on Second Front Supply” (Discussion) Cory S. Manka
- Second Front – “COUNTERPOINT: Don't Dismiss Rule 12B” (Discussion) John Astell
- Second Front – “POINT/COUNTERPOINT: Air Power in Second Front/Maybe It's Not Quite THAT Bad” (Discussion) Ray Tumbleson/Frank Watson
- The Damned Die Hard: Philippines '41 – “GLORY DESK - OPERATIONS: The Damned Die Hard Player Notes” (Commentary) Michael Tapner
- The Damned Die Hard: Philippines '41 – “BATTLEFIELD REPORT: The Damned Die Even Harder if Prepared” (Series Replay) Robert S. Williams
- “HISTORICAL BACKGROUND: US Infantry Weapons” (Historical) David H. Lippman
- “THE READER ALWAYS GETS THE LAST WORD: EXchange” (Commentary) Readership

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