Europa Magazine


- “COMPANY BRIEFING: Some Details” (Commentary) Winston Hamilton

- “FROM THE EDITOR: Playing at War” (Editorial) Peter Robbins

- “HISTORICAL BACKGROUND: Forging the Red Star” (Historical) Jason Long
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- “COMPANY BRIEFING: Some Details” (Commentary) Winston Hamilton
- “FROM THE EDITOR: Playing at War” (Editorial) Peter Robbins
- “HISTORICAL BACKGROUND: Forging the Red Star” (Historical) Jason Long
- “HOME FRONT: The Europa Ground Operations System - Some Proposed Fixes” (Variant Discussion) John C. Gordon
- “EUROPA SIDE TRIPS: The Iron Cross” (Historical) Randy Moffat
- Scorched Earth – “HOME FRONT - SCORCHED EARTH: The Dual Standard for Soviet Armor” (Variant) Mark Swenholt
- Scorched Earth – “BATTLEFIELD REPORT: Scorched Earth, Australia style” (Series Replay) Michael Tapner
- Scorched Earth – “A EUROPA BATTLE SCENARIO: Lost Victories -the Stalingrad Counteroffensive” (Scenarios) Bradley Skeen
- Scorched Earth – “EUROPA AS HISTORY: Scorched Earth Historical Axis Setup” (Historical) William Russ
- “HISTORICAL BACKGROUND: Soviet Infantry Weapons” (Historical) David H. Lippman
- “EUROPA ALOFT: Misfit MiGs - The MiG-1 and MiG-3” (Historical) Jason Long
- “HISTORICAL BACKGROUND: The Remedy” (Historical) David H. Lippman
- Total War – “ORDERS OF BATTLE: The Luftwaffe in Barbarossa” (Historical) Jason Long
- Fire in the East/Scorched Earth – “RULES COURT: Fire in the East/Scorched Earth Questions and Answers” (Discussion) Rich C. Velay
- “THE READER ALWAYS GETS THE LAST WORD: EXchange” (Commentary) Readership

Issue Number
Magazine issue number.