Death Ride Kursk: Leibstandarte

Leibstandarte: This game is an expansion for Totenkopf. Totenkopf is required to play this game.
Sales price £156.95
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Leibstandarte:  This game is an expansion for Totenkopf.  Totenkopf is required to play this game.  Scenarios for this game start on 9 July with the arrival in the Prokhorovka gap and through 13 July when they were stopped completely from moving any more forward toward Prokhorovka.  This is the game where you get to try your hand at dealing with the massive Red Army counter-attack with the 18th and 29th Tank Corps on 12 July.

The Box Cover for Leibstandarte:

Units in this game look like:

Pz Recon     Stg III          105mm Art  AT Guns      SU-76

Leibstandarte comes with (in Full Color):

  • (16) Map Sections of the Prokorovka Area of Operations

  • Supplemental Rules

  • (7) Scenario Cards

  • (3) Order of Battle Cards

  • (2) Task Organization Charts

  • 2000 Unit Counters and Markers

  • Alternate Assault Combat Tables