Death Ride Arras

A collaborative design between Grognard Simulations and Stronpoint Simulations of the British Armies surprise attack on Rommel's 7th Panzer Division at the city of Arras.
Sales price £104.95


***Includes a hard copy of the Master Rules***

Death Ride Arras   This game is a collaborative design between Grognard Simulations and Stronpoint Simulations of the British Armies surprise attack on Rommel's 7th Panzer Division at the city of Arras.  This game is a lighter version of the Death Ride series and a good introductory game for the series.

Box Cover:

The battle is an interesting situation where the British got the drop on Rommel when the Germans were only considering victory and were too confident of success.  This is where Hitler began to get nervous about the ever extending flank of the German armored spearheads.  Luckily for the Germans (criminals) the British had poor coordination and poor tanks involved in the attack.  While they made the Germans nervous and gave a few units some real problems they didn't have much of a chance of cutting off the German spearheads.

Here is a small portion of the map done by Michael Robel.  It shows the area of main activity during the battle southwest of the city of Arras.

This two day battle is one of the high points of the French campaign for the Allies.  Players will each find a tense situation at the beginning.  The British must try to push hard as far as they can in order to effect a breakthrough.  The Germans must stave off the breakthrough and hold on until help arrives.  Rommel sent the 25th Panzer Regiment forward and left the softer elements of the division behind.  It's these softer elements that come under attack.  The 25th Panzer Regiment is the help and they had to turn around and go back in order to stop the British attack.

Here are some units you will find in the is game:

Those of you who are familiar with the Death Ride series will notice some interesting differences.  The units shown above have their weapon information arranged differently.  The Primary Weapon data is on top and the Secondary Weapon data is on the bottom.  The diagram below details that particular change:

In order to make the unit names easier to read we have kept the unit name horizontal and abbreviated and inserted a symbol to denote the specific battalions and regiments the units belong to.

Game Scales are:

  • Game Turns are 15 minutes; a change from most other Death Ride series games

  • Hex Scale is 330m per Hex

  • Most units are platoons, British infantry are companies

Arras - comes with (in Full Color):

  • (4) Map Sections of the Arras France Area of Operations

  • (3) Counter Sheets with over 600 Units and Markers

  • (2) Scenario Cards

  • (2) d10 and (1) d6

  • 58 Pg. Master Rules (FREE download for those who choose the LITE version)

  • Supplemental Rules Specific to Arras

  • Order of Battle Cards

  • Command and Control Enhancement Built In

  • Fire Support Enhancement Built In