Combat! 3: Arnhem

This game introduces the British Armed Forces into the system.
Base price with tax £132.95
Sales price £119.95
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ETA Q2 2024

“It is only when one faces death, observed one of the men there, that one realizes the great value of life”

– Antony Beevor

Combat! Is a solitaire game of man-to-man combat in World War Two. This is the third game in the series of Combat! games that use the same system. This game introduces the British Armed Forces into the system. The game will focus on one of the most well-told moments in the long history of Britain. The fight for Arnhem Bridge. Players will use the actual British army forces that fought at the famed bridge and most hold at all costs.

This is a stand-alone game.

The game system uses a unique AI to make for intense combat situations as well as unlimited replayability. You will stand on the defense against a relentless foe. Can you hold on?

There are multiple scenarios covering several stages of the attack on the Arnhem Bridgehead. The results from each scenario will influence the following scenario if you wish to play a campaign game – or play any battle as a stand-alone experience.


“Utrinque Paratus!”

–Ready for anything! the motto of the British paratrooper


Product Information:

  • Complexity: Medium
  • Solitaire Suitability: 10 out of 10 – Designed specifically for solitaire play
  • Time Scale: 30-90 seconds per turn
  • Map Scale: 10 yards per hex
  • Unit Scale: Single man per counter; man-to-man combat
  • Players: One
  • Playing Time: Three to five hours per scenario


Game Credits:

  • Series Designer: Ross Mortell
  • Game Designer: Adam Starkweather
  • Developer: James Stier
  • Artist: Nadir Elfarra


Game Components:

  • Three 24” by 38” game maps (a historically accurate map of the Arnhem Bridge), One 11” by 17” map
  • Six counter sheets (1-inch playing pieces)
  • Two Decks of Playing Cards (52 cards for Allied, 50 cards for German)
  • One Display Mat
  • One Impulse/Turn Track
  • One Player Aid Card
  • One Rulebook
  • Two 10-sided and one 6-sided dice
  • Box and Lid set