Battle for Stalingrad: The Struggle for the City, September-November 1942

Excellent unpunched copy, content is in great condition, well looked after, however box has some ware to it.
Base price with tax £89.95
Sales price £81.95
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Excellent unpunched copy, content is in great condition, well looked after, however box has some ware to it.

In the autumn of 1942, 14 German divisions of the Sixth Army and Fourth Panzer were poised to attack the vital city of Stalingrad.

Facing the German forces were dozens of divisions and brigades of the Soviet 62nd Army.

For seven weeks the Germans would hammer at the city in a seesaw conflict for control of the Volga River.

Battle for Stalingrad simulates the campaign that would halt the German drive to the east in the Soviet Union.

The playing map represents the terrain in and around Stalingrad, and the colorful playing pieces reflect the sizes and strengths of the opposing military units.

Their movement, positioning, and engagement for battle are regulated by a superimposed hexagonal grid.

The game is a battalion/company level simulation for two Players.

The scale is approximately 600 meters to the hex and each Game-Turn represents one week of real time.

Game components: 600 die-cut cardboard playing pieces; a 22" x 34" map; and various playing aids.

Level of Complexity: Moderate.

Average Playing Time: 3 to 12 hours.

Suitability for Solitaire Play: Moderate.