Band of Brothers: Screaming Eagles 3rd Edition

A fast-playing game of squad level combat in WWII. It covers the exploits of the 101st in their battles from D-Day through the Bulge.
Sales price £77.95

Band of Brothers is a fast-playing game of squad level combat in WWII. It covers the exploits of the 101st in their battles from D-Day through the Bulge. The rules are very simple (no combat charts are needed) with very few exceptions to remember and yet the game is meant to be all encompassing and will include infantry, tanks, and artillery. Based on years of research, the game system uses a unique suppression mechanic. There are no longer two unique states for a unit, but varying degrees of suppression. This allows suppression to accumulate from multiple fire sources and means that the unit will not take a morale check until it is asked to do something. You will never know for sure how your units will respond until they are needed.