Always on Point: Koursk - 1943 (FRENCH RULES ONLY)

Vae Victis issue 51:

En Pointe Toujours (EPT) is a company-scale tactical combat game system designed by Nicolas Stratigos Théophile Monnier.

The earlier issues covered in Vae Victis
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Vae Victis issue 51:
En Pointe Toujours (EPT) is a company-scale tactical combat game system designed by Nicolas Stratigos Théophile Monnier.

The earlier issues covered in Vae Victis magazines had been:
EPT I Indochina (VaeVictis No. 16) 1946-1954
EPT II Normandy (VaeVictis no. 31) World War II
EPT III Kursk (VaeVictis No. 51) WWII East Front

One turn equals approximately ten minutes of real time. The distance between the centres of two adjacent hexes equals approximately 50 meters. Levels equal a change in elevation of between 10 and 50 meters. Each piece represents either a squad, a heavy weapons section, a leader and his staff, a vehicle, or a cannon.

The maps in are geomorphic, that is to say, they can be arranged in different ways to form different terrain.

Games in are played using historical scenarios. Each scenario gives an order of battle, the maps used with their relative positions, and special rules for that scenario.

As with all Vae Victis games, the counters need to be cut out and mounted.

No English Rules check online.

Issue Number
Magazine issue number.