Escape From Hades

The player controls a small force of space merchant marines that are fighting their way into an alien prison hulk, rescuing the princess, and fighting their way out again, all while their own ship fends off deadly enemy fighters and surface defenses.
Sales price £59.95

Designer Fred Manzo and developer Hermann Luttmann bring their special brand of action and adventure to create a solitaire science fiction extravaganza. The player controls a small force of space merchant marines that are fighting their way into an alien prison hulk, rescuing the princess, and fighting their way out again, all while their own ship fends off deadly enemy fighters and surface defenses. The prison itself is cylindrical, with an inside map and an outside map connected by maintenance shafts, resulting in a mind-bending hex-and-counter experience. Dozens of unique illustrations by Wil Alambre completes the package.