Dual Gauge Expansion: Denmark/England & Wales

This is the second expansion for Amabel Holland's Dual Gauge.
Sales price £25.95
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This is the second expansion for Amabel Holland's Dual Gauge.

The long-awaited second map pack for Dual Gauge! Both maps incentivize tokening cities and hitting dits. When the game end is triggered for the subtle Denmark map, a company's final stock value might drop depending on how many stations have been placed - the fewer stations, the steeper the drop! While your progress is hindered by unique terrain challenges & cutthroat chokepoints, the value of dits increases the more of them you have in each route. Denmark seats 3-5 players.

Tokening on the England & Wales map will increase a city's payout. Getting big dividends is the name of the game - helped along by the passenger trains that score dits without counting them against your route, and hindered by the dangerous momentum of railway mania that might rust your trains (including 4Ts and 5Ts!) right out from under you. This map seats 3 or 4 players.


22" x 17" Denmark map

22" x 17" England & Wales map


Designer: Amabel Holland

Map Art: Ilya Kudriashov

Expansion: 02

Duration: 60-90 minutes

Players: 3-5

Solitaire Suitability: Low

Theme: Trains