U.S.N.: The Game of War in the Pacific

Excellent unpunched copy, content is in a great condition, flatpack has some ware to it. Flatpack Edition
Base price with tax £59.95
Sales price £52.95

Excellent unpunched copy, content is in a great condition, flatpack has some ware to it. Flatpack Edition

USN deals with the air, land and sea warfare in the Pacific between 1941 and 1943. Each hex represents over 200 miles. Each turn represents a week's operations. Land unit counters represent divisions or regiments. Air units represent multiples of 10 planes. Virtually the entire Pacific is shown, from east of Hawaii to west of Java. Across this wide expanse, naval units (individual aircraft carriers, groups of everything else) fight in one of the most complex campaigns in history. The air, land and naval forces all operated under different conditions.