Stonewall Jackson's Way

Cedar Mountain to Second Manassas, August 1862, campaign level.
Contents in excellent un-punched condition, the box has been damaged and repaired
Base price with tax £109.95
Sales price £84.95
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Contents in excellent un-punched condition, the box has been damaged and repaired

This simulation of the Second Manassas campaign is the first volume in Avalon Hill's new series of strategic Civil War games. Future games will link up with the Stonewall Jackson's Way map to portray much of the Civil War's eastern theater. This is one of the first Civil War games to concentrate on a specific campaign rather than a single battle. Despite its rich detail, the game is fairly easy to learn and play. Indeed, several scenarios can be played to completion in about an hour. 
The two beautiful game maps portray central Virginia as it was in the summer of 1862, featuring roads. turnpikes, railroads, rivers, mountains - even bridges and fords! These highly accurate maps are based on original Civil War maps in state and county archives. The players control Union and Confederate military units in turns representing one day of real time. The game features five Basic scenarios, two Advanced scenarios, and a detailed day~by-day historical analysis of the actual campaign. Stonewall Jackson's Waywill appeal to Civil War buffs of all types as well as to those who are just being introduced to this dramatic period of American history. Its interactive game system assures that each game will be unpredictable, exciting, and competitive.


  • Corps leaders * Infantry and Cavalry units * Artillery values
  • Force marches * Burning Railroad stations
  • Grand assaults * Flank attacks * Fatigue
  • Clear, Rolling, Rough, Woods, Mountain terrain
  • Demoralization * Entrenchments * Railroad movement
  • Cavalry retreat * Building bridges
  • Rain * Depots * Supply lines * Foraging



  • Cedar Mountain
  • Lee vs. Pope
  • Stuart's Cavalry Raid
  • Jackson's "Foot Cavalry"
  • From the Rappahannock to Bull Run
  • From the Rapidan to the Rappahannock (Advanced Game, short version)
  • From the Rapidan to Manassas (Advanced Game, long version)


2 Counter Sheets 
2 22"x32" Mapsheets 
1 Rules Booklet
2 Charts and Tables Cards
3 Displays Cards
2 6-sided dice 
1 Counter Tray

TIME SCALE: One day per turn 
MAP SCALE: One mile per hex 
UNIT SCALE: Divisions and brigades (with corps leaders) 
PLAYERS: One, two, or teams 
PLAYING TIME: 1 hour for introductory scenarios, 2 to 12 hours for other scenarios

Issue Number
Magazine issue number.