Hitler's Last Gamble

Excellent unpunched copy, content in a great condition, slight ware/scuffs to the box.
Base price with tax £64.95
Sales price £36.95
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Excellent unpunched copy, content in a great condition, slight ware/scuffs to the box.

1st Edition

Hitler's Last Gamble is an intermediate/advanced game for two players that includes unique, new information discovered by Designer, Danny 'Mr. Bulge' Parker.

In December of 1944. six months after the Allied invasion of France. the total defeat of Nazi Germany seemed inevitable. On both the Eastern and Western fronts the Allies were on German soil. It seemed only a matter of time before the final battle for the Third Reich would begin...and the victor of that battle could not be in doubt. Adolf Hitler the Nazi dictator saw the situation dilferently. He prepared to launch an all-out offensive through the heavily forested Ardennes in Belgium to capture the port of Antwerp.
Carefully husbanding the panzer reserves, Hitler and his generals concentrated a powerful force in secrecy. In these dense, misty forests, fully 200.000 Gemian troops, 1.500 pieces of heavy artillery and almost 700 tanks assault/guns moved into their assault positions. From his Zaegenberg castle headquarters, Generalfieldmarshall von Rundstedt relayed the following message to the thousands of German troops assembling in the snowy Eifel: "Soldiers of the Western Front! Your great hour has arrived. Large attacking armies have maned against the Anglo-Americans. I do not have to tell you anything more on that. You feel it yourself: We Gamble Everything!"


  • 1 32 page rule book
  • 1 32 page historical study
  • 2 full-color maps
  • 700 die cut unit counters
  • 2 six-sided dice
  • 1 plastic tray

Players: Two or more
Playing Time: 3 to 20 hours depending on scenario chosen.

(Low to Very High)

(from the back of the box)

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