Harpoon Naval Review 1997

Detailed analysis, data, forms and scenarios for use with CoA's Harpoon system.
Sales price £16.95

In the wake of the Cold War the world's navies are looking to revamp their fleets and plan for the future. With the loss of their clearly defined opponents and missions, many navies are searching for new assignments. For some this means looking toward old rivalries, while others try to take advantage of the power vacuum left by the dissolution of the Soviet Union. In all cases it has made the world an interesting and dangerous place with situations, both real and hypothetical, that can be simulated using the Harpoon system.

Harpoon Naval Review brings these situations to life with detailed scenarios ranging from the crowded waters of the Aegean Sea and Baltic to the warm waters in the South Pacific and Indian Ocean. Harpoon Naval Review also includes "State of the Fleet" articles describing current naval events for several nations, along with ship and aircraft forms for each of the scenarios.

Harpoon Naval Review 1997 contains:

Articles on 
- The current state of the Royal Navy
- The Future of the US Navy
40 ship forms
15 aircraft forms
Harpoon clarifications
A random scenario generator
Five detailed scenarios:
- Dire Straits, a Baltic scenario based on Larry Bond's book "Cauldron"
- Operations Cyclone, UK vs. India
- Disputed Territory, Australia vs. Indonesia
- Encounters in the Aegean, Greece vs. Turkey
- Konfrontasi, the 1963-66 UK - Indonesia confrontation