1950: The Forgotten War

Recreates the titanic and volatile struggle for the Korean peninsula in the first major land conflict of the post WW2 world.
Sales price £38.95
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1950 recreates the titanic and volatile struggle for the Korean peninsula in the first major land conflict of the post WW2 world. Over 100 Random variations of combat chits provide a unique experience with each playthrough and cuts down dramatically on analysis paralysis. Rules are included for multiple interventions, airpower, and UN supply.



140 x 0.5" Counters

1x 22" by 17" Map

2x Eight-sided die

1x Rulebook


TIME SCALE: 1 turn per month

MAP SCALE: 12 miles per hex

UNIT SCALE: Armies, corps, div.


Designed by Ray Weiss

Developed by Matt Ward

Counter Art & Package Layout by Ray Weiss

Map Art by Ilya Kudriashov

WEIGHT: 6/10