The Mog: Mogadishu 1993 (BOXED)

The player’s goal is to get US forces out of Mogadishu with their captives and return safely to a UN base.
Sales price £54.95


On October 3, 1993, US Special Forces under the auspices of the UN were tasked with capturing top lieutenants of the hostile warlord Mohamed Farrah Aidid in Mogadishu, Somalia. The game begins with US forces preparing to raid a building (the Meeting House) near the Olympic Hotel to capture these high-level members of Aidid’s Somali National Alliance (SNA). The player’s goal is to get US forces out of Mogadishu with their captives and return safely to a UN base.

That may be easier said than done as Aidid’s forces have been made aware of the raid and are making haste to attack UN troops, resulting in the Battle of Mogadishu. The player controls the UN side and solitaire rules play Aidid’s forces.