Dawn of the Rising Sun: The Russo-Japanese War - Scenarios

A highly detailed set of scenarios designed for use with CoA's Dawn of the Rising Sun: The Russo-Japanese War.
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A highly detailed set of scenarios designed for use with CoA's Dawn of the Rising Sun: The Russo-Japanese War

Scenarios Include:

Torpedo Attack, Port Arthur 8 Feb 1904 Japanese destroyers attack at night

The Coast Defense Batteries of Port Arthur

Battle of Port Arthur 9 Feb 1904 Japanese fleet attack on Port Arthur

Chemulpo 9 Feb 1904 Light Russian warships heroic struggle

Kesshitai (Forlorn Hope) 24 Feb 1904 Blocking action against Port Arthur

Makaroff Arrives 10 Mar 1904 Cruisers and destroyers mix it up

The Death of Makaroff 13 Apr 1904 Mine warfare

The Battle of the Yellow Sea 10 Aug 1904 Fleet action

End of the Line 20 Aug 1904 One-on-one cruiser battle


The Vladivostok Squadron

Vladivostok Bombarded 6 Mar 1904 Japanese cruisers attack the harbor

Admiral Bezobrasov Strikes 15 Jun 1904 Russian cruisers raid the Tsushima Strait

The Battle of Ulsan 14 Aug 1904 Cruiser slugfest



N. 23° E. 27 May 1905 Massive fleet action

Dark Shadows 27 May 1905 DDs and TBs hunt capital ships at night

XGH 28 May 1905 Damaged fleets continue the fight

Death of a Brave Lady 28 May 1905 Desperate cruisers and destroyers fight it out

A Thunderous Sound (Gromki) 28 May 1905 DDs and TBs fight for survival

Last Fight of the Donskoi 28 May 1905 Russian cruiser fights against superior odds



Counterfactuals (Hypothetical Scenarios)

Perfidious Albion 2 Nov 1904 British Channel Fleet attacks the Russians

A Matter of Maggots 30 Jun 1905 Revolution strikes in the Black Sea Fleet

Lena 16 June 1904 TBs do battle off La Perouse Strait

Issue Number
Magazine issue number.