N: The Napoleonic Wars (Boxed)

Boxed Version. A high level, grand strategic solitaire game on the turbulent decades from 1792 to 1815
Sales price £58.95
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Boxed Version.

N: The Napoleonic Wars is a high level, grand strategic solitaire game on the turbulent decades from 1792 to 1815, when Europe was convulsed by the French Revolution and the wars of French Emperor Napoléon I. You play the monarchist “coalitions” of Europe – led by Britain – fighting to put down the ‘Corsican ogre’ and restore peace, order, and a bit of the Divine Right of Kings to the Continent. N is not a detailed, tactical historical simulation, but is designed as a fun, challenging game illustrating the general course of the wars and their salient historical themes. N is the second title in my British Wars Trilogy, and is based on Don’t Tread on Me, my game of the
American Revolution (White Dog Games, 2014/15). If you’ve played DTOM, then many of N’s mechanics will be familiar. Each of the 16 Turns takes about 10 minutes to play (longer for beginners). There are two shorter scenarios (see other booklet) if you don’t want to fight out the entire three-decade grand campaign.

- R. Ben Madison, from the N Rule Book