Maida 1806: Stuart vs. Reynier

Covers a small battle of the Napoleonic wars.
Sales price £29.95
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The game "Maida 1806 Stuart vs. Reynier "represents a small battle of the Napoleonic wars. British army under Sir John Stuart defeated the French troops Jean Louis Reynier. Clash decided attack on the bayonets of the British infantry, preceded by effective fire rifle.

One battalion is represented by 4 chips. The player decides which formation to use at any given time. Different types of formation are represented by different icons. After the change of formation, players put a chip on the board with the appropriate icon. The exception is the quadrangle - here we use the auxiliary chip.

Battalion may be formed in a column to attack bayonets, or line, in order to effectively use the power of the fire. This second order is represented by a square and rectangular chips sometimes, if the branch was quite large. The player can single out a company tyralierów, which is represented by a separate chip.

Battle of Maida is regarded by historians as an example of the superiority of the British double row over the "classic" line trójszeregową. This difference can also be seen in the game. Firepower is expressed as a percentage, which depends on the size. In the case of the British Army is 100% - all the soldiers can shoot. In French it is 66% - effective fire through two of the three ranks. Infantry in a columnar array or a square is always 20%. In the case of tyralierów and artillery, the chips are given effect immediately fire - a test morale and any modifiers for distance.

In the battle they took part in only two units of the French cavalry. They occur in a double-row line, and due to the use of play (rapid charge) may not result in firing.

Because of the historical course of the battle, the aspect of command is very simplified. One player draws from a pool (common for both players) commander. Agencies within its range can move, and also determined the order in which to settle shootings (inactive player shoots first). Of course, in certain situations very big significance is who will be able to move his troops. The drawing is intended to represent a situation where one of the leaders taking the initiative, and another in spite of favorable circumstances behave passively.

During the movement of the opponent can be reacted. Branches with high morale are more chances that ostrzelają, and maybe even skontrują. However, there is always the risk that our the soldiers leave the battlefield in panic escape. That's what happened to experienced veterans Reynier.

During the game, the most common procedure is a fire that causes morale test. Each branch (with the exception of artillery and commanders) has a coefficient on the tile. The test is successful, when the ten-modified die roll is lower than or equal to the specified value.

Instructions for the game is 12 pages. Many of the provisions sets out specific situations that may occur over the board, for example, involved a challenge to the commander bayonets. Field for the players, the use of their forces at the right time and properly uszykowanych.

Experienced players should last 3 hours for the entire batch.


- the instructions (12 pages);

- board with dimensions of 30 x 42 cm;

- 126 chips die-cut (15 x 15 mm)

- chip 7 die-cut (15 x 30 mm)

- ten-cube.

The game is designed for two players over 12 years.