Forgotten Napoleonic Campaigns: The Egyptian Campaign & The Russo-Swedish War

A single operational-level system examines two of the more obscure, though nonetheless interesting, campaigns fought during the Napoleonic Wars.
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Forgotten Napoleonic Campaigns: The Egyptian Campaign & The Russo-Swedish War

Forgotten Napoleonic Campaigns (FNC) uses a single operational-level system to examine two of the more obscure, though nonetheless interesting, campaigns fought during the Napoleonic Wars. The designer is S&T Editor Joseph Miranda. The two complete games included in this issue are: The Russo-Swedish War (RSW), which covers the 1808 invasion of Finland, and The Egyptian Campaign (EC), which deals with Napoleon's invasion of the Middle East. Both games are two-player contests of low-to-intermediate complexity, meaning experienced players can master the rules and finish a match in one session of three to five hours.

Each hex on both maps represents 12.4 miles (20 kilometers) from side to opposite side. Each game turn in both games generally represents one calendar month. In RSW, however, winter turns each represent two months; while in EC summer turns each represent two months. The individual units of maneuver represent brigades, regiments and battalions, formations varying in size from a few hundred to a few thousand men. Naval power is represented abstractly with markers used to denote the firepower of whole fleets or flotillas. The turn sequence is given below in outline.

Random Events Phase
French/Russian Player Turn
French/Russian Reinforcement Arrival Phase
French/Russian Movement Phase
French/Russian Combat Phase
French/Russian Supply Phase
French/Russian Siege Phase
Ottoman/Swedish Player Turn
Ottoman/Swedish Reinforcement Arrival Phase
Ottoman/Swedish Movement Phase
Ottoman/Swedish Combat Phase
Ottoman/Swedish Supply Phase
Ottoman/Swedish Siege Phase

Issue Number
Magazine issue number.