Flying Colors, Deluxe 3rd Printing

This Deluxe Third Printing of Flying Colors brings you a greatly expanded treatment of this best-selling game of Age of Sail naval battles.
Sales price £72.95

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This Deluxe Third Printing of Flying Colors brings you a greatly expanded treatment of this best-selling game of Age of Sail naval battles. Within the deep box, not only are the original classic scenarios and ships included, but we are also bundling in the well-regarded and sought-after Ship of the Lineexpansion. Additionally, we’re including much of Mark Barker’s article content (first published in C3i Magazine by RBM Studio), including updated Trafalgar and battles of the Seven Years War. We're also including all of the ships listed within those battles so that you should not have to treat one vessel as another. Finally, as an added incentive, we’re including a half-dozen brand new scenarios, including Lagos (1759) and Cape Spartel (1782). All of this adds up to roughly four-dozen scenarios and six and a half countersheets … truly an encyclopedia of Age of Sail combat!

Original Game Components