Dawn of Battle: Scenario Expansion Set 1

This first scenario pack includes twenty more scenarios to further expand the enjoyment and playability of Dawn of Battle.
Sales price £19.95
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Not a complete game.  Requires the base game of "Dawn of Battle: Designer's Edition" (sold separately)




This first scenario pack includes twenty more scenarios to further expand the enjoyment and playability of Dawn of Battle. These scenarios are updates of those included with the original version of the game from Worthington Games.   They are not included in the base game from Blue Panther. Battles in this set include:


Muye, 1046 BCE

Qarqar, 853 BCE

Pelusium, 525 BCE

Cunaxa, 401 BCE

Leuctra, 371 BCE

Crocus Field, 353 BCE

First Asculum, 279 BCE

Magnesia, 190 BCE

Vosges, 58 BCE

Thapsus, 46 BCE

Second Adrianople, 378 CE

Ad Decimum, 533 CE

Volturnus, 554 CE

Ashdown, 871 CE

Clontarf, 1014 CE

Manzikert, 1071 CE

Dorylaeum, 1097 CE

Hattin, 1187 CE

Liegniça, 1241 CE

Falkirk, 1298 CE