Schwerpunkt: A Forum of Independent ASL Scenario Design

2017 issue of Schwerpunkt (#23)
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Sales price £29.95

Includes ASL Scenarios from The Tampa ASL Group (2017)


Schwerpunkt Volume #23’s 20-page booklet contains: Brook White’s Der Landser in ASL: The German Squad 1939-1941, as well as our trademark analyses and designer’s notes for Scenarios SP265 - SP276.

Each of the 12 scenarios is printed on coated cardstock. The scenarios are in keeping with the Schwerpunkt tradition of tournament-sized as well as medium-sized actions.

There's something is this pack for players of all experience levels! 


Scenario Personal

SP 265: Defending Jandrain

SP 266: The Hohenstaufen Hootenanny

SP 267: Death's Head Debut

SP 268: The Tjiater Pass

SP 269: Retaking Kharkov

SP 270: A Small Stack and a Schnapps

SP 271: Zwarts' Madhouse

SP 272: Statue of Liberty Attacks

SP 273: Roasting Rossner

SP 274: Balloons, Cakes and Ponies

SP 275: The Battle of Mali Spadarit

SP 276: Triumphant Return


Issue Number
Magazine issue number.