Red Sun/Red Star: The Nomonhan Campaign, 1939

Russo-Japanese conflict, May-August 1939.
Base price with tax
Sales price £11.95
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Desert Sheild & Desert Storm T.W. Gideon

Leonardo Da Vinci & the Renaissance Military Jim Bloom

Operation Leopard Perry Moore

Red Sun/Red Star: The Nomonhan Campaign In Manchuria John Burtt

Simulation: Red Sun/Red Star Mark Stille

Red Sun / Red Star: The Nomonhan Campaign, 1939, is a simulation of the battles fought between the Soviets and Japanese in the barren wastes along the ill-defined borders between Mongolia and Manchuria in May-August 1939.

Rules are pretty much standard operational WWII system fare with artillery and air missions. Combat is before movement, although units may make overruns during movement. Combat is defensive fire-offensive fire routine using firepower totals and column shifts. Losses are steps but with excess combat strength kept in a pool for future replacement. Beginners & Solitaire rules are included.

3 scenarios: Japanese initial drive, Soviet counter-attack (with a Japanese free setup variant) and Campaign Game.

Game Scale:
Turn: 1 to several days (depending on scenario)
Hex: .75 mile / 1.2 km
Unit: Platoon to Regiment

Game Inventory:
One 22" X 34" mapsheet
One countersheet (240 1/2" counters)
One 20 page rules booklet

Issue Number
Magazine issue number.