Paper Wars

Articles on: (Critical Hit) Advanced Tobruk/R.S.V.P./(GMT) Guilford/(Alea) Mallorca 1936/(Clash of Arms) Rebel Seas, The British Navy at Bay Pt. 1/(Vae Victus) Battles for New France/(Avalanche Press) Afrika Korps/(Decision Games) Drive on Stalingrad/(Against the Odds) Khe Sahn 1968/(Vae Victus) Verdun 1916/(Vae Victus) By the Edge of the Sword!/(Avalanche Press) Midway/(Naval Warfare Simulations) Naval Warfare World War II/(Decision Games) Pacific Battles Vol. 1/Short Cuts/Reconnaissance in Force
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Sales price £4.95

Excellent Condition Copy. Hint of staple rust from long-term storage.

Articles on: (Critical Hit) Advanced Tobruk/R.S.V.P./(GMT) Guilford/(Alea) Mallorca 1936/(Clash of Arms) Rebel Seas, The British Navy at Bay Pt. 1/(Vae Victus) Battles for New France/(Avalanche Press) Afrika Korps/(Decision Games) Drive on Stalingrad/(Against the Odds) Khe Sahn 1968/(Vae Victus) Verdun 1916/(Vae Victus) By the Edge of the Sword!/(Avalanche Press) Midway/(Naval Warfare Simulations) Naval Warfare World War II/(Decision Games) Pacific Battles Vol. 1/Short Cuts/Reconnaissance in Force

Issue Number
Magazine issue number.