Paper Wars

Articles on: (SPW) Der Weltkrieg Series/(Perry Moore) The Summer Tet Offensive, August 1968/(Vae Victus) Le Matz 1918/(R&R Games) Overthrone/(GMT) June 6/(Lou Coatney) The Battles fo Alamein/(XTR) The Fire Next Time/(Udo Griebe Gamedesign) The Ashes of Empire/(Lou Coatney) The Barbarossa File/(Winsome Games) Union vs. Central/(GMT) Paths of Glory/Thoughts on Strategy: Paths of Glory/(Simulation Games) Drive on Damascus/(Critical Hit) Combat! Normandy/Reconnaissance in Force
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Sales price £4.95

Excellent Condition Copy. Hint of staple rust from long-term storage. Cover is a tad creased in one corner.

Articles on: (SPW) Der Weltkrieg Series/(Perry Moore) The Summer Tet Offensive, August 1968/(Vae Victus) Le Matz 1918/(R&R Games) Overthrone/(GMT) June 6/(Lou Coatney) The Battles fo Alamein/(XTR) The Fire Next Time/(Udo Griebe Gamedesign) The Ashes of Empire/(Lou Coatney) The Barbarossa File/(Winsome Games) Union vs. Central/(GMT) Paths of Glory/Thoughts on Strategy: Paths of Glory/(Simulation Games) Drive on Damascus/(Critical Hit) Combat! Normandy/Reconnaissance in Force

Issue Number
Magazine issue number.