Paper Wars

Articles on: (GMT) Saratoga/(Tilsit/Clash of Arms) Joan of Arc/(OSG) La Guerre de L'Empereur/(Moments in History) Eastwall/(Kokusai-Tsushin) Hakodadi 1869/(Decision Games) Charlemagne/(Decision Games) The Gauntlet/(Clash of Arms) War Without Mercy/(Avalanche Press) Airlines/(The Gamers) Seven Pines/(Lou Coatney) Sky, Sea & Jungle/(The Gamers) Raging Storm/(Alea/Ludopress) No Pasaran!/(Avalon Hill) On to Richmond/(Shadis/Avalanche Press) Scotland the Brave/(SPI) The Crimean War/Reconnaissance in Force
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Sales price £3.95

Excellent Condition Copy. Hint of staple rust from long-term storage. Minor ceasing to the cover.

Articles on: (GMT) Saratoga/(Tilsit/Clash of Arms) Joan of Arc/(OSG) La Guerre de L'Empereur/(Moments in History) Eastwall/(Kokusai-Tsushin) Hakodadi 1869/(Decision Games) Charlemagne/(Decision Games) The Gauntlet/(Clash of Arms) War Without Mercy/(Avalanche Press) Airlines/(The Gamers) Seven Pines/(Lou Coatney) Sky, Sea & Jungle/(The Gamers) Raging Storm/(Alea/Ludopress) No Pasaran!/(Avalon Hill) On to Richmond/(Shadis/Avalanche Press) Scotland the Brave/(SPI) The Crimean War/Reconnaissance in Force

Issue Number
Magazine issue number.